
Valdemar Danry is a Researcher, Artist and Tech Humanist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His passion is the intersection between philosophy, technology and arts. With his background in philosophy of mind, neuroscience, extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence, he seeks to explore how the augmented body mediates our experiences of the world not just as something physical but as something which is "lived".
Valdemar is currently working on devices for sensing and evaluating reasoning patterns. His earlier work include an award winning art installation that given you multiple heads you can converse with, the development of a theoretical framework for designing technology that experientially integrate with the human body, multi-user creative virtual reality tools, making Generative AI accessible for online learning, the aesthetics of embodied VR art, and the experience of sexual assault in virtual reality.
He has worked with international collaborators from MIT, Harvard, Georgia Tech, IBM Research, and University of California, and has exhibited his work at Ars Electronica, IDFA, Electrical Artifacts and at the MIT Museum. His research has been published in impactful journals and conferences like “Nature: Machine Intelligence”, “ACM CHI”, “IEEE Computer Graphics and Aplications”, and “ACM Augmented Humans” with more research under review.
Valdemar is currently working on devices for sensing and evaluating reasoning patterns. His earlier work include an award winning art installation that given you multiple heads you can converse with, the development of a theoretical framework for designing technology that experientially integrate with the human body, multi-user creative virtual reality tools, making Generative AI accessible for online learning, the aesthetics of embodied VR art, and the experience of sexual assault in virtual reality.
He has worked with international collaborators from MIT, Harvard, Georgia Tech, IBM Research, and University of California, and has exhibited his work at Ars Electronica, IDFA, Electrical Artifacts and at the MIT Museum. His research has been published in impactful journals and conferences like “Nature: Machine Intelligence”, “ACM CHI”, “IEEE Computer Graphics and Aplications”, and “ACM Augmented Humans” with more research under review.
- TEDxBoston (2023). AI Isn’t Making You Think. Here’s How It Could.
- Forbes (2022). Interview with MIT Media Lab Fluid Interfaces Prof. Maes’ Team: Top Research Powering Humans.
- Forbes (2022). AI-Generated Characters Are Here They’re Just Not Evenly Distributed.
- SN (2014). Et skridt nærmere drømmen.
- Nikolaj Kunsthal: The Luminous Body (2021).
Kunstværftet: Artificial Awakening (2021). http://sceneblog.dk/artificial-awakening-jakob-la-cour-studio-makropol-praesenteret-af-xr-black-box-paa-kulturvaerftet/
- Electrical Artifacts: Uno, Nessuno, Centomila (2021).
https://www.electricartefacts.art/artwork/pat-pataranutaporn-machinoia-machine-of-multiple-me - ARS ELECTRONICA: IN KEPLER'S GARDENS (2020). Presence of Absence. https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/en/presence-of-absence-garden/
- Danry, V. Generative AI+Creativity: How to Make (Almost) Anything with AI. MIT Generative AI Week. https://design.mit.edu/news/mit-generative-ai-week-creativity-symposium-replay
- Danry, V. Towards Experiential Integration of Humans and Computers (2022). In ACM Augmented Humans Conference 2022, Munich, Germany.
- Pataranutaporn, P., Danry, V., Deepfakes for Good. (2021). In MIT Horizon, Open Learning.
Work/Research Experience
- 2021 - Now - Research Assistant, Fluid Interfaces Group, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, United States. (https://media.mit.edu/groups/fluid-interfaces)
- 2021 - Machine Learning / UX Engineer (Part-time) Kaspar AI, Copenhagen, Denmark. (https://www.kasparai.com)
2021 - AI/XR Artists (Full-time) Makropol, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2019-2020 - Visiting Scholar (Full-time) MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, United States. (https://media.mit.edu)
- 2020-2020 - Venture Co-founder and Developer (Part-time), Harvard Innovation Labs, Cambridge, MA, United States.
- 2018-2019 - Virtual- and Augmented Reality Expert, and Technical Assistant (Part-time), Khora Virtual Reality, Copenhagen, Denmark. (https://www.khora.com/)
- 2019-2019 - Creative Print and Writer (Part-Time), University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.