Publications and Research

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  • Danry, V. (2023, June). AI Enhanced Reasoning: Augmenting Human Critical Thinking with AI Systems. MSc in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Advisors: Pattie Maes, David G. Rand, Chenhao Tan.

  • Danry, V. (2020, June). On Integrating with Computers: Phenomenological Approaches to Human-Computer Integrated Selfhood as Self-consciousness. BA in Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. Advisor: Felipe León, Assistant Professor, Center of Subjectivity Research. PDF


  • Danry V., Pataranutaporn, P., Groh, M., Epstein, Z., Maes, P. Explanations from deceptive AI systems are just as convincing as honest explanations in human-machine decision making (Under submission). 

  • Danry V.*, Sra, M.*, Maes, P. (June 2022). Situated VR: Towards a Congruent Hybrid Reality without Experiential Artifacts. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. *Authors contributed equally

  • Pataranutaporn, P., Danry V., Punpongsanon, P., Leong, J., Maes, P., Sra, M. (2021). AI-Generated Characters for Supporting Personalized Learning and Wellbeing. In Proceedings of Nature: Machine Intelligence Journal. 

  • Danry V., Pataranutaporn, P., Mao, Y., Maes, P. (Under Submission). Human-AI Symbiosis: Towards Artificial Intelligence Organs for Augmented Reasoning. In Proceedings of Nature: Machine Intelligence.

Conference Papers

  • Danry, V., Chicos, L., Fonseca, M., Ishraki, K., Maes, P. (Under submission). Synthetic Sensations: Augmenting Perception with Visual Feedback from a Wearable Transcranial Electric Stimulation Device. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

  • Morris, C., Danry, V., Maes, P. (2023). Wearable Systems without Experiential Disruptions: Exploring the Impact of Device Feedback Changes on Explicit Awareness, Physiological Synchrony, Sense of Agency, and Device-Body Ownership. Frontiers in Computer Science: Special Issue on Body-Centric Computing for Health and Well-being.

  • Danry, V., Pataranutaporn, P., Mao, Y., Maes, P. (2023, April). Don’t Just Tell Me, Ask Me: AI systems that Reframes Explanations as Questions Improve Logical Discernment in Human-AI Decision-making. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. *Authors contributed equally

  • Pataranutaporn, P.*, Joanne, L.*, Danry, V.*, Maes, P., Sra, M. (2022, October). Learning from Virtual Idols: The Use of AI-generated characters for Enhancing Motivation in Online Learning. In IEEE Frontiers in Education. *Authors contributed equally

  • Morris, C., Danry, V., & Maes, P. (2022, June). EmbER: A System for Transfer of Interoceptive Sensations to Improve Social Perception. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 277-287).

  • Danry, V., Pataranutaporn, P., Maes, P., Leigh, S. (2022, April). On Eliciting a Sense of Self when Integrating with Computers. In Proceedings of the Augmented Humans International Conference 2022 (pp. 1-16).

  • Pataranutaporn, P.*, Danry, V.* , Maes, P. Machinoia (2021), Machine of Multiple Me: Integrating with Past, Future and Alternative Selves. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. *Authors contributed equally

  • Danry, V., Pataranutaporn, P., Mao, Y., & Maes, P. (2020). Wearable Reasoner: Towards Enhanced Human Rationality Through A Wearable Device With An Explainable AI Assistant. In Proceedings of the Augmented Humans International Conference (pp. 1-12).


  • Danry, V., Pataranutaporn, P., Leong, J., Maes, P., Deepfakes for Good. (2022) Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

  • Danry, V., Pataranutaporn, P., Horowitz, AH., Strohmeier, P., Andres, J., Patibanda, R., Li, Z., Semertzidis, N., Nakamura, T., Nishida, J., Lopes, P., León, F., StevensonWon, A., Svanæs, D., Mueller, F., Maes, P., Leigh, S. (May 2021). Do Cyborgs dream of Electric Limbs? Experiential Factors in Human-Computer Integration Design and Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference Workshops.

  • Pataranutaporn, P., Danry, V., Deepfakes for Good. (2021) In MIT Horizon, Open Learning

  • Pataranutaporn, P., Danry, V., Leong, J., Maes, P., Ishii, H. (2021) Life After Death. In MIT Media Lab Member’s Week Conference.

  • Pataranutaporn, P., Danry, V., Leong, J., Maes, P. (2020) Wearable Voice Interfaces for Human Enhancement. In MIT Media Lab Member’s Week Conference.

  • Pataranutaporn, P., Danry, V., P. Maes (2019). Wearable Voice Interfaces for Human Enhancement. In MIT Media Lab Member’s Week Conference.


  • ACM CHI (2021) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

  • ACM ISMAR (2020) International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.