AI-Generated Characters for Supporting Personalized Learning and Wellbeing.

Although negative use cases of deepfakes have dominated public conversation,  we explore emerging positive use cases of AI-generated characters, specifically in supporting learning and well-being, and make public an easy-to-use pipeline for teachers and healthcare workers to use. Read more.

Generative AI, Learning, Well-being, Deepfakes.

Nature: Machine Intelligence 2021.

“Characters for good, created by artificial intelligence”, MIT News.

“Media Lab Open-sources AI-generated characters library“, Analytics India Magazine.

“AI-Generated Characters are here. They’re just not evenly distributed”, Forbes

“Deepfakes are being used for good: here’s how”, The Conversation

GitHub / Google Colab

Co-initiator, implemented machine learning models in python and made accessible through colab, collaborated in the write-up, and am maintaining GitHub repository.